6. What are the secrets related to Healing, Deliverance and Salvation?

Beloved in Christ- the mystery behind deliverance, the plan of salvation and healing is very well explained elaborately in a simple and superb form with examples where even a common man can easily understand. One has to get a knowing, deep within their heart of how important it is to get delivered first from sin – wages of sin that leads to death from the torments of the adversary. How Jesus had to pay the price- a substitutional principle for us to be delivered- saved-obtain healing in body, mind and spirit by the divine exchange that has been done through the finished work on the cross. How through the disobedience of one man Adam- sin entered and all have fallen short of God’s Glory- got to repent and believe the Gospel and the redemptive work to be under the Lordship of God and also know how God’s power works through the word by His Spirit- that leads into all truths. Power and authority that is in the name of Jesus and blood of Jesus- delivers a person from the curse of death through faith not by his righteous deeds. Get to know the root cause behind satan, sin, sickness, curse, working of the evil spirits.The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a must to obtain salvation and to get transferred from the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light. Fruit of repentance shall be seen for the manifestation of all these blessings that rightfully belongs to us. Prayer without the revelation of the word is fruitless. So let us not miss any one of these ongoing episodes that is painstakingly delivered through Bro. Israel (who is a gift from God) for the benefit of our soul and life in this age and the age to come.