7. Can a man live in the spiritual world as well as in the physical world?

I’m sure there is a quest and thirst in every individual to know the truth behind this mystery. Are you anxious to know? Watch this power packed and quite interesting last episodes of series – 1 shared from the scriptures that none can deny. When we are awake we wander in the physical world and when asleep in the spiritual world. What is sleep that is essential for everyone? What happens during our sleep? The sole intention and motive behind these teachings is that they must enjoy health and peace in their body and spirit always, as they are led by the power of the Holy Spirit and continue to live their life according to the word of God by proclaiming the Good News of God’s kingdom. Are you curious to know what happens when we are asleep and are in subconscious condition which is alert? I feel less said is better. By watching and hearing you can grasp all that is taught as you ought to and desired. Let your spiritual eye be opened and your life shall never ever remain the same but live your life for the Glory of God. Let the word dominate your heart, mouth and life as you walk and live in the light of Life and shine in Christ’s Glory by not only proclaiming the Gospel but by living the Gospel for His Greater Glory. Amen!