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Spiritual Secrets Series – 2

By the Grace of God Evangelist Bro. M. Israel is the leader of Israel Ministries -a ministry of Holy God established by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Bro. M. Israel who was working as an evangelist and as a part of the ministry primarily telecasted a Television Program in Calvary TV channel called Spiritual Secrets (series-1, consisting 58 episodes from 15th Nov-2014 to 26th Dec-2015). God enabled him to reveal many truths and Spiritual Secrets and performed wondrous deeds in the lives of the viewers. Praise be to God!!!

As per the instructions and guidance of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Secrets (series-2) and another program named as “Thus says the Lord” will also be telecasted very shortly. Bro. Israel’s only desire through such programs is to be used by the Holy Spirit and lead many souls from the captivity of satan towards the path of Salvation. Let us continue to pray and partake in the redemptive work of Christ- for no effort in the Lord will go in vain. AMEN!!!