1. What is meant by Spiritual secrets? Do you know that you must be Born again? (Watch Bro. Israel's living testimony).

Through the living testimony of Evangelist. Israel, we learn how the life is experienced before and after a person is truly born-again makes a vast difference- similar to the history divided into era as before Christ and after Christ coming into one’s life. According to 2 Cor 5 :17 Old things have passed away; all things have become new-Alas!!! He has become a New Creation in Christ. Interesting isn’t it? God is not partial you too can become one. Let’s watch every episode and be blessed. From Gen to Rev 1st page to last page if we go through we will understand everything is related to the spiritual realm as well as to the physical realm. Explanation of the 3 Heavens, God’s creation of the universe - of trinity, creation of man a tri-part being who is a spirit has a soul lives in a body is like a bridge between the 2 worlds and how God’s spirit empowers a man to overcome his weakness and to live a life worthy of His calling is very clearly narrated based on the word of God.